Filing a complaint about municipal services

Submit a complaint if you are not satisfied with the services provided by the municipality of Ouder-Amstel. You can do this by mail:


You can file a complaint, for example, if:

  • You feel that you did not receive the answer, solution, or product on time, or;
  • You are not satisfied with the quality of the answer, solution, or product, or;
  • You were not treated correctly by an employee.

You will receive an initial response within 5 working days.
The municipality provides a substantive response no later than 6 weeks.


Send a letter with your complaint to: Municipality of Ouder-Amstel, Vondelstraat 1, 1191 BD Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.

If you submit a complaint by mail, include the following information:

  • The date
  • The location
  • Possibly the name of the relevant employee or department
  • The municipality needs this information to handle the complaint properly.
Objection and appeal

If you disagree with the decision of the mayor and alderpersons, you can seek assistance from the National Ombudsman. The postal address is: PO Box 93122, 2509 AC The Hague.

You must approach the National Ombudsman within one year after your complaint has been handled by the municipality. This can be done in writing, digitally, or by phone. If you are unsure about requesting assistance from the National Ombudsman, call the free number (0800) - 335 55 55, or visit the website of the National Ombudsman.

More information

You can find more help on the website of the National Ombudsman


If you submit a request or notification, the municipality needs your personal data. The municipality handles your personal data carefully. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) specifies how the municipality should handle your personal data.

The main rules are:

  • The municipality only requests data necessary for processing your request or notification. The municipality does not request other data.
  • The municipality uses your data only for processing your request, notification, or something directly related to it.
  • The municipality does not retain your personal data longer than necessary.
  • The municipality ensures that your personal data is secure.
  • Only individuals who need your data for their work can access it.
  • Other organizations receive your data only if legally required.
  • If you ask, the municipality will tell you:
    • what data it has about you,
    • why this data is needed,
    • what happens with your data.
  • If your data is incorrect, you can ask the municipality to correct it.